Now that you are aware of how prevalent drunk driving is during the holidays and how law enforcement will take extra measures to enforce the laws and arrest suspected intoxicated motorists, you can avoid experiencing a disastrous holiday season by taking certain precautions to avoid a DUI arrest.
The following are several tips to have a joyous and cheerful holiday without any legal trouble:
- Do not drink and drive – While this may sound obvious, many people continue to drive drunk anyway despite knowing the dangers. If you plan on drinking somewhere, have a designated driver pick you up once you are ready to go home.
- Use Uber or Lyft – If you are unable to assign a designated driver and no one in your group is sober enough to drive, you can also rely on your smartphone. Ridesharing services such as Uber and Lyft allow you to request a ride from your location.
- Use public transportation – For a cheaper option, you can take the bus or train. Remember to double check the times of service due to the schedule changes over the holiday season.
- Stay overnight – Before you make the trip to spend time with your family and friends, call ahead of time and ask if you can spend the night if you are unable to safely drive. If there is no available space, consider spending the night at a hotel or motel instead.
- Throw the party yourself – To avoid going out at all, why not host the party at your place. However, make sure all of your guests are able to safely drive back home. If not, have plenty of spaces available to sleep.
- Do not sleep in your car – While it may seem like a good idea to take a quick nap to “sober up” before driving back home, you still could be arrested for a DUI. For example, if you are sitting in the driver’s seat with the keys in the ignition, the engine is running, and the heater is on blast, a police officer can claim that you were in physical control of the vehicle and capable of driving, resulting in a DUI arrest.
- Be smart about drinking – Whether you decide to drink or not, keeping tabs on how much you drink will pay dividends. Make sure you eat plenty of food and drink water between alcoholic beverages. When it’s time to leave, stop drink and wait a few hours before driving. While on the road, obey all of the traffic laws. Remember, police need reasonable suspicion to pull you over, so avoid committing any traffic violations.
Follow these tips to stay out of trouble. But if worse comes to worse, our Connecticut DUI attorneys at The Sills Law Firm is ready to mount a vigorous defense. We are dedicated to helping you obtain the most favorable outcome possible.
For more information, contact us and schedule a free consultation today.