A criminal record has long-lasting consequences that can affect every aspect of your life: where you live, where you work, your immigration status, and even whether or not you can obtain a loan.
Risk of Injury to a Child in CT
For many people in Connecticut, it may come as a surprise that you can be charged with a crime for doing something that “impairs the morals” of your child. Yet in certain situations,
Can I Get My DUI Charges Reduced in CT?
Being arrested for a DUI/OUI in Connecticut carries significant negative consequences. A first-time conviction alone can lead to a maximum jail sentence of six months (with a mandatory minimum of two days), a
How to Prove Innocence When Falsely Accused of Domestic Violence
Domestic violence is a serious problem in our country. According to some estimates, 10 million Americans are victims of domestic violence each year. But this doesn’t mean that all allegations of domestic abuse
What to Expect with a 1st Offense DUI in CT
Picture this scenario: after happy hour with some colleagues, you hop in your car to head home. The next thing you know, you see flashing lights in your rearview mirror. You’re ultimately arrested